Personal Coaching Thoughts for 2020…

January often finds us taking a moment to reflect on the events of the past year and then shifting to focus on a shiny new year ahead.  While doing just that, the professional coaches at The Coaching Lens came up with some personal thoughts that they hope will resonate with you and help to nurture a positive and motivated outlook for 2020. For the past five…

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Learners and Leaders and the Power of Potential

The Coaching Lens would like to share with you Coach Ida Kmiec’s personal story about Learners and Leaders and the Power of Potential. As professional coaches, we are committed to both sides of “potential”.  Our Personal Coaching can help individuals learn about their strengths, confidently articulate their competencies and be open to their own potential.  Our Leadership Coaching is designed to enhance the skills of those…

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Coaching for Confidence: Perspective for Performance

Although the closing ceremonies for the Winter Olympics are behind us, the 2018 Winter Paralympics are still underway as we share our third and last story in this series about Coaching for Confidence. We hope you've enjoyed reading them as much as we did putting them together for you. Warm Regards, The Coaching Lens Coaches Most athletes will tell you that at some point in their…

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Coaching for Confidence: Whose journey is it?

We’ve all seen the caricature of the out-of-control parent at their child’s hockey, soccer or baseball game, yelling instructions and criticism, hurling invective at the ref and generally making the entire experience unpleasant for everyone around them.   If the role of parents and coaches is to unleash potential and remove interference for their child to deliver their best performance, what possesses them to get (pardon the…

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“Self-Directed Teams – Through a Coaching Lens”

What do a giant ball of yarn and a tent pole have to do with successful Self-Directed Teams...? This week, at the 5th Annual “Building an Inclusive Community” Conference in London Ontario, The Coaching Lens had the pleasure of delivering two interactive sessions about what makes “Self Directed Teams” succeed. So what exactly is a Self-Directed Team?  It’s a two part answer:  A group of highly…

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An Aha! moment about Beliefs and Assumptions

As a leader, I have a firm belief that I should never ask anyone to do something that I would not be prepared to do myself.  So one Saturday when I had asked Anna, one of my team members, to come in to work on something with a tight deadline, I decided that I would go in as well to give her a hand. Imagine my…

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