Hire Spock…

We'd like to share Jeff's story, an Aha! Leadership Moment about what we can learn from our tv hours spent watching the Starship Enterprise boldly go where no man (or woman) has been before.  Even Captain Kirk could have used a little help honing his coaching skills out there in Space, the Final Frontier!   Jeff's Story -- An Aha! Leadership Moment inspired by Star Trek Most…

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Why are New Year’s Resolutions so darn hard to keep?

It’s easy to make a laundry list of New Year’s Resolutions and many of us optimistically make the same ones every year.   So why does all that good intention and enthusiasm peter out and what can we do to keep it going? As professional coaches, we’re all about helping people to make significant change in their lives and to reach achievable goals so we’ve seen a…

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Coaching Nuggets for the Holiday Season

With the craziness of the season upon us, we wanted to offer some coaching “nuggets” to keep handy for when you need a moment to reflect, restore and re-energize. Choose to be “in choice”.  It’s easy to become frazzled and overwhelmed by everything that HAS to be done for holiday events.  Take time out to think about what’s important to you.  Then, even if you are…

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A connection between electronic voting and coaching?

We hope you'll find this election story both an amusing and a poignant summertime read. By Jill Pillon, Staff Writer for The Coaching Lens Earlier this Spring, I helped to train 300 poll officials to use our province's new electronic elections process, all of which had to be accomplished in the dizzying space of two and a half weeks.  It was exciting, learning firsthand just how…

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Coaching for Confidence: Perspective for Performance

Although the closing ceremonies for the Winter Olympics are behind us, the 2018 Winter Paralympics are still underway as we share our third and last story in this series about Coaching for Confidence. We hope you've enjoyed reading them as much as we did putting them together for you. Warm Regards, The Coaching Lens Coaches Most athletes will tell you that at some point in their…

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Coaching for Confidence: Whose journey is it?

We’ve all seen the caricature of the out-of-control parent at their child’s hockey, soccer or baseball game, yelling instructions and criticism, hurling invective at the ref and generally making the entire experience unpleasant for everyone around them.   If the role of parents and coaches is to unleash potential and remove interference for their child to deliver their best performance, what possesses them to get (pardon the…

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