Resilience versus the Inner Critic…

Having resilience means cultivating our inner strengths so that in the face of challenge, crisis or trauma, we have the wherewithal to adapt and take actions that move us forward.  Easier said than done, of course, and ironically, the biggest obstacle is often the strength we grant to our own personal Inner Critic. Think about it, who do you talk to the most in your life?…

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Please, NOT another Zoom meeting!

The “Alone Together” Coffee Hour:  Vital Connection in a Virtual Workplace An innovative partnership between The Coaching Lens and The South London Neighbourhood Resource Centre (a neighbourhood based non-profit organization with 9 affiliated sites including Northwest London Resource Centre) has resulted in a unique online coaching experience that helps counter the stress and disconnection faced by employees in a pandemic-induced virtual workplace. Please, NOT another Zoom…

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2021 is a new year of possibilities…

What mindset, strategies and plans will enable YOU to realize your dreams this coming year? Email us at TheCoachingLens12 to learn more about our virtual individual coaching. Register with us by Dec 31/20 for a time-limited special of a $120 package of 3 virtual sessions beginning January 2021.

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