Coaching Nuggets for the Holiday Season

CoachingLensChristmas4With the craziness of the season upon us, we wanted to offer some coaching “nuggets” to keep handy for when you need a moment to reflect, restore and re-energize.

Choose to be “in choice”.  It’s easy to become frazzled and overwhelmed by everything that HAS to be done for holiday events.  Take time out to think about what’s important to you.  Then, even if you are doing something because it’s what someone else needs or wants, stay “in choice”.  When you do, there’s a sense of control and strength that flows from acknowledging that you are CHOOSING to do it for them – with love and without reservation.

Honour your values.  Know what is important to you as you plan a holiday that’s meaningful and fulfilling for you and your family.  When your choices (both big ones and the little ones) honour your values, then you begin to feel the harmony of the season.

Catch your assumptions (before they catch you!)  Something as simple as assuming that everyone heard and agreed with our plan can derail into stress.  Sometimes two-way communication just doesn’t happen as intended. Take a little more time to be sure you mean what you say and say what you mean.  Clarity is key.

Stay in “Learner” rather than “Judger.  Staying in a Learner Mindset can be a lifesaver at the holiday dinner table.  Miracles happen when judgment gets withheld and genuine curiosity leads the way.  Ask powerful open-ended questions and see where they take you.

Give the gift of Active Listening.  Stay in the present and squelch any thinking about what you’re going to do or say next.  Encourage others to tell you more, in a judgment-free conversation.  Once you have reached that bond of listening and trust, it’s a gift that will keep on giving.