Why are New Year’s Resolutions so darn hard to keep?

It’s easy to make a laundry list of New Year’s Resolutions and many of us optimistically make the same ones every year.   So why does all that good intention and enthusiasm peter out and what can we do to keep it going? As professional coaches, we’re all about helping people to make significant change in their lives and to reach achievable goals so we’ve seen a…

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Coaching Nuggets for the Holiday Season

With the craziness of the season upon us, we wanted to offer some coaching “nuggets” to keep handy for when you need a moment to reflect, restore and re-energize. Choose to be “in choice”.  It’s easy to become frazzled and overwhelmed by everything that HAS to be done for holiday events.  Take time out to think about what’s important to you.  Then, even if you are…

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