Resilience versus the Inner Critic…

Having resilience means cultivating our inner strengths so that in the face of challenge, crisis or trauma, we have the wherewithal to adapt and take actions that move us forward.  Easier said than done, of course, and ironically, the biggest obstacle is often the strength we grant to our own personal Inner Critic.

Think about it, who do you talk to the most in your life? While most of us probably don’t speak out loud to ourselves, we should all recognize that little voice inside our heads, the Inner Critic determined to turn us into victims rather than victors.  The voice that continually whispers: you’re not worthy, you’re not smart enough, you’re going to fail, and most of all, DON’T take that chance.

In coaching, we use imagery to help quiet that relentless chatter and to allow your true strengths to take the lead.  Imagine your inner critic perched noisily on your shoulder.  What are the messages you are hearing?  What impact are they having on you?  Now with that heightened awareness, think of words that will refute those claims with evidence and reframe the taunts with positivity.  What options start to emerge?  How does the way forward seem now?

At, we offer our experience and our toolkit of coaching techniques to help develop that resilient mindset for overcoming the inner critic and dealing more effectively with life’s ongoing challenges.  Contact the professional coaches at [email protected], find us on Facebook or call 519-318-0416.