Some thoughts from Coach Mary Ann Tucker on the origins of our name “The Coaching Lens”
It is no accident that we strategically chose the word “Lens” as part of our business name. Coaching is all about “shedding light” through multiple lens to expand our insights and perspectives and ultimately choices and decisions.
When faced with a challenge, crisis and/or a fork in the road requiring a decision or movement forward, we can become either blinded by our emotional response or the lens in which we choose to view the situation. Often that lens may be distorted by judgement about ourselves and others. Coaching encourages discovery through multiple lens to expand our awareness, trust, choices and possibilities. Powerful questions open up lenses to allow us to view the situation from many angles.
If you are facing a challenge and looking for possible solutions consider expanding your insights through:
A “values” lens: What is important to me? What are my core values? In this situation, what values are being dishonoured? What values are important to me to honour as I move forward?
A “learning” lens; When have I faced a similar challenge? What did you learn from that experience that I can apply to this situation? What are you learning about myself?
An “empathy” lens : What does this challenge tell me about myself and others involved? How can I seek to understand other’s perspectives?
A “forgiveness” lens: What do I need to let go of? What is possible if I forgive myself? What is possible if I forgive others? What would be different and how might things look and feel if this problem were resolved
A “curiosity” lens: What do I need to seek to understand in this situation? What would it look like if I took myself out of the situation? What options can I see? What advice would I give someone else in this situation? What is possible
A “patience” lens :What steps am I going to take and how do I stay motivated and accountable?
A “gratitude” lens : Who are the people I can count on to support me in moving forward?
As professional coaches, we can be a guide to you on your journey, asking questions and listening, always listening. What we often hear (and our clients often tell us) is that there is a profound increase in self-awareness , self trust and achievement of goals that goes hand-in-hand with coaching
The Coaching Lens always welcomes new clients. We have openings for Personal, Team and Leadership Coaching. Just give us a call at 519-318-0416