Personal Coaching Thoughts for 2020…

January often finds us taking a moment to reflect on the events of the past year and then shifting to focus on a shiny new year ahead.  While doing just that, the professional coaches at The Coaching Lens came up with some personal thoughts that they hope will resonate with you and help to nurture a positive and motivated outlook for 2020.

For the past five and a half months, Coach Mary Ann Tucker has been dealing with a complex foot injury that has taken away much of her independence and mobility.  Thinking of where she is sitting now, she speaks as much to herself as to anyone out there facing a similar frustrating situation, as she asks: “What positive thoughts would help me move forward?”

  1. Celebrate each small step towards your goal.
  2. Stay aware that you always have the choice to choose your attitude.
  3. Keep the lens focused on hope, even when you think the shutter is closed.

With her top priority goal being a healed foot, so she can get back to her active lifestyle, Mary Ann can attest to the importance of noting and celebrating each step forward, even so small as being able to switch to crutches instead of using a scooter, or just getting a restful night’s sleep.   Mary Ann has experienced all too well those setbacks that can eat away at a positive outlook and she stresses the need to keep a sense of humour and stay aware that you always have the choice to choose your reaction and attitude to setbacks.  And because we are The Coaching Lens, we can’t help but word Mary Ann’s third thought for moving forward as:  Notice when your guiding lens appears to be sliding shut. Find your positive attitude and enduring hope to open it back up so that it reveals the next steps on your path forward.

If you too are facing the new year with a challenging situation, reach out to The Coaching Lens at (519) 318-0416.  We have personal coaching time-slots available – let us help you to reach your goal.