Why are New Year’s Resolutions so darn hard to keep?

It’s easy to make a laundry list of New Year’s Resolutions and many of us optimistically make the same ones every year.   So why does all that good intention and enthusiasm peter out and what can we do to keep it going?

As professional coaches, we’re all about helping people to make significant change in their lives and to reach achievable goals so we’ve seen a few things that work – in January and at any time of the year.  Perhaps the most important thing we can suggest for a resolution you’re thinking of is to take the time to put it into a bigger life context.

Reflect on the year to come:  2019!  What is your vision for yourself this year?  What are your greatest hopes, dreams and goals?    What would be different?   How will you feel when you succeed?  What strategies and opportunities can you see that will enable you to move forward toward your vision?   What specific actions can you commit to?  How will you ensure success and hold yourself accountable?

Asking and answering all those questions can be daunting but it’s worth it to build yourself a “North Star” to follow for the change you want to make.  There’s more to hang onto both mentally and emotionally when motivation needs bolstering – especially if you’ve written it all down, recorded yourself saying it or shared it with someone you trust.   And if you need help with any of that, you can always reach out to us at The Coaching Lens – it’s what we do.